Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The Basic Scam

Copyright © 2005 By Ray Thomas

For many years the public school system has failed to successfully teach our children even the most basic of American and world history, choosing, instead, to condition them to accept the Marxist notion, "From each according to his needs, and to each according to his ability," making need a demand upon the earnings of others. This is commonly known as "collectivism." It also has other names. Among them socialism, communism, Nazism, progressivism, etc. They use many different names in order to confuse people. They "soldier on," conditioning class after class of unsophisticated students (who will believe anything if it sounds good) that stealing from those who earn and giving that stolen to those who don't earn is a virtue. Parents discovered this and protested, causing much trouble for the teachers of collectivism in our schools. They could not have this, so they created a "problem (The Hegelian Principle)," that of increasing child abuse and child sex abuse (a myth, since 80% of "reports" are "not sustainable" even according to their own figures) through many means, including "hot lines" where people could anonymously make "reports" of child abuse with no possibility of repercussions because the accused were barred from "confronting" their accusers, as promised in the United States Constitution (this fostered the lawyer's practice of advising clients to "report" child abuse against their opponents in any kind of legal action, to give their opposition something else to fight).

They further cemented this notion by passing a "Good Samaritan Law" to ensure that "accusers" were fully protected against legal repercussions. They could even keep the names of the accusers secret. In addition, they passed another law forcing people who worked with children regularly, such as doctors, nurses, counselors, and such to "report" any possibility of child abuse they came across in their work, on pain of career-ending sanctions if they don't. But the law is so subjective that even if they don't believe it themselves, they must "make a report," so they do. When they do, they give child services another opportunity to ruin the lives of another parent and teach another child or children that their parents have no power over them. They made another law allowing the federal government to pay local agencies "fees" at every juncture of the "system," making taking a child away from parents, on any pretext, financially advantageous for the agency, with the employees benefiting through bonuses, promotions (more money) and even special awards for them, based on the number of children they could "make available for adoption" by taking away their parental rights (the reason they don't get excited about abuse in foster care is there is no financial advantage for them in it. The child is already "in the system"). The laws under which they operate are so subjective that the individual social worker is able to define the law for themselves, allowing them to do things like viewing one dirty sock on the floor or a few dirty dishes in the sink as a "filthy house" and to thus testify in court.

They can, and do, use anything, even problems they themselves have created, against the parents (Such as breaking the family financially, then claiming they can't afford to keep the children). The "family courts," since they are "bought-and-paid-for," hearing exclusively cases involving minors, allow such "opinion" and "hearsay" testimony in deciding the guilt or innocence of the parent. In this manner, they are using the local child services to destroy parental authority over their children and what's taught them in school. Therefore if a parent objects to what his/her child is being taught in school, the child services can threaten them with "child abuse" charges and in this manner shut them up. They constantly demand more and more things of their victims, all of it costing the parents money and time. This drains their bank accounts and causes them to lose their jobs. Even people who used to be able to pay for their defense are reduced to pauperism, against an agency that has a "bottomless pit" of money to pay lawyers and "counselors." They constantly "double-dip," billing the victims for services for which they have already been reimbursed by the feds. When it's all over, win or lose, they bill the "victims" for "the cost of foster care." That's a little like the communist Chinese executing someone and then billing the family for the cost of the bullet. That's what this is all about, in a simple package.

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